fredag 30. august 2019

Get B. Keyler latest CD release "Echoes" for free

Order 1 B. Keyler CD/Album and get her latest Album Echoes CD (2017) 8songs for free! 
Pay for one CD 150NOK/15Euro and get two CDs.
Porto 40NOK/4Euro world wide. 
Write your address and choose the Cd Organic (2009) 9songs or her debut Cd Come on Home (2006) 11songs. 

We'll send it asap.

onsdag 9. august 2017

B. Keyler Band Booking information

B. Keyler Band -New Booking agent in Norway.
B. Keyler loves the stage and the audience will get 2-3hours live show, danseable songs in a mix of different genres. We also play duo, trio gigs as well as Band.(2guitars, harmonica, synth, bass and drums)
We play B. Keylers own music and some special cover songs within Bluesrock, Pop, Jazz and Soul. 
Please contact our new Booking agent! Magne Sakshaug Bruntvedt
Booking Email:
Phone: 0047-45442868

Artist website:

torsdag 26. mai 2016

Live concert on Facebook! New singel Release from B. Keyler!
 It`s B. Keylers new singel release Shot, and you`ll get it live directly sent to you online Friday 27. may 2016 at 21.30 (9PM)- Norwegian time on Facebook. It`s free and something quite NEW!!!
I hope you`ll tune in on BKeyler